A Bay Area Equestrian Vaulting Club * Founded 1990
Horsemanship Class Information
Woodside Vaulters is currently offering a special series of classes for vaulters (or any horse lover) designed to increase Horsemanship knowledge and enhance connection to the most valuable member of our team - the horse. We believe Horsemanship is a foundational tenant of vaulting and wholeheartedly agree with this quote from Equestrian Vaulting USA that "Horsemanship is an integral part of vaulting. Our horses are the most respected members of our team, and this is reflected in their care and development. A great vaulting horse is educated through trust, respect, confidence, and kindness."
This Horsemanship series will be taught by our own Sarah Twohig, who has extensive knowledge in horse care. Sarah has been caring for our horses at Woodside Vaulters since 2013 and has served as a Groom/Head Groom for Team USA at World Championships and World Equestrian Games in the Netherlands (2019), Tryon (2018), Budapest (2021) Denmark (2022) and Sweden (2023). ENROLL NOW
When: March 3rd, March 10th, March 17th , March 24th.
Classes: Walk/Trot Vaulters (3pm-4pm)
Classes: Canter Vaulters (4pm-5pm)
Where: Woodside Vaulters Barn
Who: All Levels. Maximum enrollment 8 vaulters.
Class Fee: $200 for the 4-class series, due upon enrollment, nonrefundable unless canceled by WV due to under-enrollment.
Register through the Parent Portal. Non-members can register by emailing enrollment@woodsidevaultrs.org.
Class objectives:
Horse/Barn Safety - Understand how vaulter behavior in the barn and around the horses promotes a safe environment for all, builds vaulter confidence around horses and facilitates a positive connection between horse and vaulter.
Horse Anatomy - Understand the basic anatomy of a horse and its relation to vaulting. Understand how horses use their bodies in ways that are specific to vaulting, how vaulters movements impact horse anatomy, and how vaulting horses' training specifically targets strength, balance, and flexibility needed for vaulting. Understand that horse anatomy is also a foundation for proper grooming and tacking.
Grooming Education - Understand how proper grooming directly relates to horse health. Learn how proper grooming promotes horse health, overall appearance, and the horse/vaulter relationship.
Feeding - Understand what it takes to keep equine athletes healthy and strong. What do we feed our horses and why?
Tacking - Understand the tack and protective equipment (for horses) used for vaulting. Learn to properly tack a horse for vaulting class. Understand how to properly care for vaulting tack and equipment.
Horse handling - Understand how to properly halter, lead, turnout, and tie a horse. Understand best practices for lunging.